Animal ecology

Animal ecology is an important area of ​​research for scientists. The study of animals and how they relate to each other and how they relate to the environment. There are various forms of animal ecology. It includes:

- Behavioral ecology, the study of animal behavior in relation to the environment, etc.
- Population ecology, the study of the impact on the populations of these animals
- The marine ecology is the study of wildlife
- Evolutionary ecology is the study of how animals evolve over time to meet the demands on them.

There are other forms. After reviewing this information, scientists hope to learn more about what makes these animals thrive and that potentially keeps them. On the ecology of animals, there are many factors, most of which are caused by human, which is now their threats.

There are many examples of this problem across the country. Perhaps the best example, however, are in the square vode.Posmotrite lake shore, and even marine life will show you how many people are hurting environmental damage these animals. Animal Ecology has changed dramatically in an attempt to keep up. Here are some examples of how the environment and human interaction has changed the framework of many animals.

There are many other ways in which animal ecology changed. The aim of scientists is to figure out what is happening and why it happens that way. It is often very concerned when animals die or are unable to develop naturally in connection with sudden changes in their lives and the lives of the region. Through the study of animal ecology, scientists hope to better understand what is really happening, and what effect this will have, both in the short and long term.