Life span of West Highland white terrier

West highland white terrier dog breedWest Highland white terrier is commonly known as a Westie. It is a kind of dog which originally came from the highlands of Scotland. This white terrier has a white and coat and is considered as one of the most energetic dog, and are a good guardians of house as well just like other dogs. Previously West Highland white terrier was used to take out foxes.

Normally they are small heighted playful dogs with huge skull, it ahs been noticed that these white terriers have quite larger teeth as compared to their head and body, and are famous for their tough bone formation.

If you keep a white terrier, it is important for you to give them proper rest, commonly these dogs need approximately 12 hours of sleep to keep them physically fit and strong! However if they do not get a proper night sleep then they might take several naps in a single day just to recover their need of sleep. Normally the life span of West Highland white terrier is from 13 to 16 years, however it might increase or decrease depending upon the care and diet they are getting. In some regions of the world the Life span of West Highland white terrier is also 7 to 9 years, as their life span largely depends upon their diet, food and most importantly the environment they are living in.

If you have a white terrier and you need it to have an increased life span, then you should definitely take extra care of this marvelous dog by taking him on regular walks in morning as well as in evening timings. Most importantly West Highland white terrier needs exercises on regular basis such exercises includes long runs as well as jumping. So if you have a white terrier and you want that to be with you for many years to come then you should definitely follow all these special guidelines which are needed to increase the life span of West Highland white terrier.